Saturday, November 3, 2018


  • Summary of SAMR Model and TPACK Model  

     Both of these models are set up to help teachers and administration have a way to assess the effectiveness of the technology they are implementing in classrooms and the school.  It also helps assess how, and if, technology integration is increasing student engagement.  I also feel it is a great way to think about if technology used is increasing family involvement.  
     The SAMR Model has four levels of integration.  Levels 1 and 2, substitution and augmentation, are considered enhancement levels.  Substitution is replacing one technology for another while the function is the same overall.  For example, using Google Docs in replacement of Microsoft Word.  In augmentation, it is still a basic technology replacing another but has some additional added functions or tools that improves what you can do with it.  Levels 3 and 4, modification and redefinition, are considered transformation models.  With modification, you are able to create tasks that greatly increase the levels of abilities in technology.  With redefinition, the technology applied allows you to create tasks that otherwise would not be possible.  The goal for teachers and administration, is to move from levels 1 and 2 with the technology they are using, to levels 3 and 4.  The higher up in levels you are, the more your technology is making a difference to the students in the 21st century.  
     The TPACK Model looks at technological knowledge, content knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge and when put all together, assesses how they increase student engagement.  Starting with content, or subject matter, and pedagogy, or the method of teaching the content, we decide what subject is being taught and how it will be taught.  Once that is decided, it is time to choose which technology should be used to increase student attention and excitement thus making learning a more natural process.  Think about the technology as the partner.  When all three come together methodically, the higher the successes will be in student learning.  

  • Which of the two models do you feel would be more accepted in your school district and why?
I feel that the TPACK model is a better fit for the lab school.  While we all, infant through preschool, have subject matters and pedagogy we are utilizing, the technology aspect can mainly be used in preschool rooms.  And even then, in minimal amounts.  So, with the TPACK model, we can start by looking at what we are going to teach and how, and then decide whether or not there is a strong technology tool that would enhance the lesson for these young learners.  And if not, then we can leave it out.  I think this is a good way to start being more thoughtful of a finding and utilizing a variety of technologies that are available and would make us a more 21st century lab school.  
  • What strategies would you use to educate your staff on the philosophy you selected?
I would start by having a discussion of what current technologies are being used.  Then ask how they see those tools enhancing children's learning.  I would show the youtube video titled, TPACK in 2 Minutes, which does a fantastic job of showing how the three areas work together to create the "Sweet Spot" for students.  We would then continue to discuss other technology tools we know are available as well as spend some time researching other technologies that we could fit into our lessons.  As we do this, making sure we are matching up the content, pedagogy, and then adding the technology in to get the sweet spot of learning.  

M., C.  (2013, April 26).  TPACK in 2 Minutes.  Retrieved Nov. 3, 2018, from

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